Special Interest Groups
Our Special Interest Groups are a way for members to get actively involved in the pursuit of Enlightened Enterprise objectives in ways that are of particular interest to them.
The Enlightened Enterprise Academy plans to establish a wide range of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) focused on the specific interests of groups of members. They will be encouraged to adopt a global perspective to the topic they focus on, and to adopt a multidisciplinary approach. And they will operate semi-autonomously, with the support of the Enlightened Enterprise Academy.
Any member, or group of members, may propose the creation of a forum, based on a set of guidelines we provide. But the focus of each group must support the our objective, to encourage the adoption of the Enlightened Enterprise philosophy and practices. Email for Details
All news relating to the SIGs will published in the News section of the site, including details of any new SIGs. Planned new Sigs include the Strategic Management SIG and the Tomorrow's Healthcare and Critical Systems SIGs are currently being formed.